Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The strange usefulness of the white black folks

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As paradoxical as reality can be —and politics as a reality—, the way to gain political leverage may be to lose it; because the grip of force would only provoke a reaction, as powerful as the grip itself, in a virtual stalemate. This is because political power is always a unidirectional dialogue, not the fantasy of Modernity as rational fairness; since that dialogue is between the ones who have the power and those who doesn’t, where power translates as political consistency.

That’s what makes a defeat of a stalemate, for those who lacks the effective power on the clash; making of their weakest the ones with more possibilities of thriving, adapting to its opposition. This is then the paradoxical but practical value of the white Black people, as the ones with actual leverage on the political struggle; because the ability to condition that political fields with their sole presence, against the odds of the strong ones.

This lesson came from history, on the outcomes of England and French monarchy as examples of this struggle; due their respective weaknesses and strength, for which the first transitioned to parliamentary, while the other was too strong for this same process. As such, it wasn’t the strength of the Northern states what gave the victory to the Union on the American Civil War; but the weakness that forced them to open to that new resource they despised, with the Emancipation of slaves.

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Then, and as such again, it’s because those white Black people that Black people may find their way to political thriving; not because any actual gain they could bring to their people, but because the havoc they create with their contradictions. This is what at the end unifies black people, not against the whites but for their own sake; which gives them that political leverage their need for their own development, but kidnaped by the white blacks in its conventionality.

These white Black people work only and naturally in their own behalf, as every political elite and even every political actor; because social classes lack consistency in its conceptual nature, besides what it derives from its individuals. It’s that individualism what prompts the contradictions among those white Black people, in their submission to conventional power; creating the chaos among the people they say to represent, who then needs to reorganize by themselves, around their practical (no moral) needs.

All this, while the powerful contradiction coming from conventional powers is diverted, to those white Black people; to keep them satisfied —and disciplined— in their artificial needs as a social elite, so disconnected of their own reality. So the peculiarity here is the behavior of those Black people, trying to make sense of their world by themselves; for which they need to first distance themselves from those white Black people as from society itself, and then from those contradictions.

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That’s peculiar, because this is what can be called an “auto poiesis” (Maturana), as a self-created systematization; resulting in a new and progressive consistency for that new world of them, around their own and real (not moral) needs. On this process, those white Black people will be like natural victims of their own weakness, for which they thrived on the white society; but as a basis for this other one, of which they can participate only in this way for they own lack of consistency, which made them useful only for the white society.

Of course they can change that nature of them, choosing a non-conventional approach to politics; and thus living the same social struggles of their people, from which they fled in their lack of consistency. But that is totally a secondary matter here, as any individuality for the transcendent organization of reality; in which functional relations systematizes everything as a simple element, looking only at its functionality.

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