About the west culture hyper development

This is a recurring term, that explains the contradictions of western culture I its relationships with the others; to which it affects with the distortion of their political determinations, in the same sense than their own. This is them an effect, that could be traced to the same origins of Western culture, with the fall of Minoans and rise of Mycenaeans; dragging the expansion of Phoenician commerce, due to its relative lack of political regulations outside their own holding.

Still, that would be the basis of that said hyper development and not the actual process, as a culture in itself; because this is what set the determinations of that culture in its exceptionality as overgrown, lacking political of regulations. This is what led to this rare development of the schools of thought (Philosophy), dissociating culture and society; not in fact but as a principle, making their respective development asynchronous, and thus eventually contradictory.

This is them referred to the exceptionality in which the Western culture was born, with this singularity; that will repercuss in the other singularity of Christian ideology, in a process that took over a millennium. This is what happened, from that development of the Greek academies to their closing by that Christian ideology; born from this same Greek philosophical tradition, consolidated and organized in the Patristics.

It’s here where that development became so overgrown, turning to the closing of the philosophical academies; as its way to set the new parameters of culture, in the model of oriental tyrannies, with Christian structure; formed with the justification of political needs in its transcendentalism, took from Manicheism, by the agency of Saint Agustin. ‘Till them political absolutism was restricted to practical impossibilities in the West, because politic was not ideological; although it was open precedents of this kind of tendency, taken from the East models, like with Pythagoras.

It’s also the footprint of Platonic Idealism, in the basic hermeneutic of Agustin Manicheism, as Neoplatonic; explaining Christianity in its pretention of universality in politics, leading to ulterior philosophical developments. This is then where Western hyper development get its apotheosis, because of previous and minor developments; which in its exceptionality of economic deregulation, propitiated the change of capital, from military to economy and ideology; this then as an actualization of Manichean contradiction, and thus reproducing its hermeneutical flaw as a political determination.

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