Tuesday, May 30, 2023

The NAACP against the black people, again!

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Some Florida’s black businesses owners have been rebelling the NAACP call to boycott the state of Florida; revealing the contradictory nature of the organization, rooted in the political priorities of white liberalism, for which it simply kidnapped the social struggles of the blacks on their economic weaknesses. That may even explain their traditional disdain for the economic development of blacks, since their beginning; when just being a bunch of white socialists pushed away the original —and purely black— Niagara Movement.

Right now the NAACP’s directive is mostly black, but that has to wait seventeen years from its start to happen; the time it took to stablish the political priorities of the organization, on the training of its executives. For those first seventeen years, the only racial legitimacy of the organization came from the presence of WEB Du Bois; who was not even a member of that executive, but the keeper of its legitimacy at the head of their journal, “The Crisis”.

Even Du Bois —who fought every other black leader but non a white one—, separated himself from the organization; with a bulleted series of harsh criticism that pointed to this difference of interests, aims and priorities. How that organization kept that legitimacy of Du Bois after his same criticism, which could be a fascinating history of manipulations; all of them overly complicate, such as the certain role of the NAACP on the civil rights war, shadowing its probable illegitimacy.

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Today problems reveal the origin of the country contradictions, which led to the use of the slavery as a justification; but rather consistent with the differences of the early states, even entangled with the royal or antiroyal origin of those states. As then with the Northern liberalism, NAACP worries are not the blacks but the white contradictions among themselves; trying to mingle on them with this formidable tool of the black struggles, that alienates their own development.

This time though things could have gone too far, even if blacks bite and get hooked again on those white contradictions; because this time those contradictions are too evident, and are not just among states but actual political classes. It’s not that conservatives or liberals are better or worse, but that all of them are just the same, arguing between themselves; nothing that blacks will benefit from, unless it favors personal grow and individuality, not forcing socialism in their failed historical transcendentalism.

Capitalism and Socialism are only the ways white people channel their original feudalism, in a corporate economy; being this corporation of financial or political nature, while liberalism acts as a functional conservatism and thus leans over a fake left. Black people know that, even if they can’t explain it clearly, because the betrayal of their talented ten (Du Bois); they know it because the impact of that political priorities on their economies, and thus on their real development.

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What makes this case specially outrageous is that NAACP is putting the black people in the front of their confrontations; as once did BLM, channeling their donations —in the George Floyd crisis—to the Democratic campaign against Donald Trump. As is if it were a political formula, the problem of today is governor de Santis, potential contender for te presidency; and for which he will be demoralized, because that’s the strategy of a political force that only worries by itself, not for the people it says to stand for.

Despite the falsehood of those confrontations between liberals and conservatives, the problem in Florida is not racial; even if the banning of books is excessive, it’s not a racial but liberal problem, and must be solved as such. Even te problem with the teaching of black history is not that black history, it’s about its interpretation; insisting in one side of the history of the country, which ignores the amount of antiracism the same country has shown.

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